Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The best way to say goodbye....

So Lyndsey, Tim (a coworker), and I decided to have a sacred ceremony to burn a copy of our employment contract and our information booklet from Shane Finnie of Canadian Connections Recruitment Agency. May I add, that I do not recommend using Canadian Connections for coming to work in Korea. There were many things that Shane told us about our job in Korea that turned out to be false or didn't exist once we arrived in Korea. I don't want to say it was solely Canadian Connections fault, but they didn't provide us with correct information and mislead Lyndsey and I. Lesson learned, never use a recruiting agency for finding you a job.

So one brisk night, we decided that we needed to vent our feelings and emotions about working and living in Korea. So for each piece of paper we vented our feeling about all the bad and negative experiences we have had in Korea.

May I say, we did this in the dark so it was hard to see haha. But here I am looking mad and angry about Korea and all it's lies. Grrr....

Once we said how we felt and made our wishes and prayers for our futures, we lit the stack of lies. Burn baby burn!!!!!!!!!!!!

Burn Burn Burn! There were so many items breached in my contract, it makes me sick to think about it. I can't believe that a government run teacher's training institute, could be so corrupt! Oh man. Living and working in Korea has made me realize what a great life I have back in Canada with my family and friends. I am so thankful for who I am and I look forward to working for a 'professional' teacher's board back home.

Look how high those flames! I did know that lies, breached articles, and false information could make such big flames!

Afterwards, we decided to move on to something I like to do for fun, play with fireworks! I am happy that I introduced Tim to the world of Roman candles and how much fun they are. I wish him all the best! We had a great time watching these fire works go off in the pitch black sky. It was beautiful.

Oh gosh, I can't believe I still know her haha but we survived Korea together, thank God! Even tough there was LOTS of crying, eating cake, bitching over Starbucks, and watching Lyndsey eat cheeseburger "settos" from McDonalds, we survived. And now we are coming home!

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